How to stay fit and healthy while traveling

It is easier to stick to a healthy eating and exercise regimen while at home. Traveling often sabotages all your hard work due to a multitude of reasons. The main factors being veering off your normal schedule and not having access to your normal gym. Sometimes, we give ourselves the excuse that we are on vacation and don’t need to exercise.

Going away for one or two nights and skipping a workout is healthy and sometimes necessary to rejuvenate both your body and mind! However, for longer trips, you really cannot afford to skip out on a whole week (or more) worth of workouts.  Doing a little planning in advance (when and where you will workout) is your best bet. I am a fitness buff and almost never skip a workout. However, if I am traveling, I try to engage in more exciting exercise i.e. a scenic hike as opposed to a stairmaster workout or a beautiful bike ride as opposed to a stationary bike.

Tips to stay healthy & fit while traveling

Pack workout clothes – If you have fitness clothes packed in your suitcase you will be more likely to workout. Having the proper clothes on hand is more convenient then having to buy new items. Also, make sure to bring with your gym shoes! You can’t workout without them! They are easy to forget so pack them right into your suitcase.

Research activities before you leave – Look up fun attractions which can double as entertainment and workouts. National and State Parks are great for all sorts of cardio activities such as hiking, biking, and cross country skiing. Also, seek out adventure activities such as whitewater rafting or kayaking, which tend to burn a lot of calories and are also really fun!

Pack healthy snacks – Bringing with a few healthy snack options as opposed to eating out your entire trip will keep you more in the fitness frame of mind. Concentrate on high energy low carb snacks like pumpkin seeds and almonds. Also, if you have a hotel fridge stock it with healthy fruit and yogurt.

Research healthy restaurants – Eating healthy and fitness go hand in hand. Dining out at an unhealthy restaurant is more likely to rob you of energy, make you feel run down and sleepy from overeating, and cause you to skip a workout. Look at menus before your trip and plan for a few restaurants that offer healthy choices. This way you won’t just resort to whatever restaurant is closest to your hotel.

Book a hotel with a gym or pool – Having a workout room or pool at your hotel is a great option for those who would rather keep their exercise indoors. I love getting a few laps in the pool in the morning while no one is around. Swimming is great cardio! Plus, you can relax in the hot tub after!

Beautiful pool at The Borgata in Atlantic City

Be strategic with hotel location – I will try to purposely book hotels that are near recreation. For example, on one of my trips to Boise I decided to book a hotel right on The Greenbelt path. The hotel wasn’t as fancy as some of the others in town. However, I was able to walk right out my door and go biking and running on a gorgeous path!

Boise Idaho Greenbelt Path

Eat breakfast before you leave – If you are taking a road trip, make sure to eat a healthy breakfast before you head out. Skipping breakfast will likely cause you to overindulge for lunch, thus making you less likely to want to hit the gym.

Take a walk or jog outside – This doesn’t require any equipment (just the fitness clothes that you packed in advance). This is a great way to see a new area. It doesn’t have to be a super lengthy workout, just get out there and do something!

HIking in the beautiful White Mountains of New Hampshire

Stretch on long airplane rides – Make sure to get up every now and then and walk around. Also, try to stretch a bit in your seat to prevent leg pain and cramping.

Get a good night’s sleep – Don’t stay up too late or party too much the night before you leave. Heading out refreshed and energized will make you more likely to want to participate in some energizing activities during your trip.

Choose smart at continental breakfasts – These breakfast usually include unhealthy foods, packed with sugar, that drag you down for the rest of the day. Skip the muffin and waffles and choose healthy fruits, eggs, oatmeal, and yogurt.

Visit destinations with walkable attractions – Plan trips in areas that require a lot of walking. Think parks, zoos, theme parks, museums, national parks, city downtowns,…all of these will require you to be on your feet most of the day.

A few examples:

Washington D.C. – Lots of walking around big museums and exploring historical sights via a self guided 2+ mile walk on the National Mall.

Disney/Universal – You will get in your workout for the day and possibly much more than you are used to especially if visiting both Universal Parks in the same day.

Any National Park – Planning a trip near parks such as the Great Smokies, Saguaro National Park, or Zion National Park will ensure that you get in your miles for the day whether hiking or biking!

Pa'rus trail at Zion National Park - one of the most gorgeous bike trails
National parks are the perfect pick for keeping your workout going strong while also taking in incredible views!

Plan workouts in the morning – You are more likely to do cardio in the morning then at the end of the day. I like to get up and get in a good workout then I can have fun the rest of the day. It is a lot harder to hold off on the workout until later when you have been out and about all day. Plus, I hate having to switch between workout and regular clothes during the day. I would rather workout, shower, and get ready for the day!

Book hotels with kitchenettes – Having a kitchen on hand with a fridge and stove will enable you to cook your own meals as opposed to eating all unhealthy meals out. I feel like working out more after I have a healthy meal, so look into hotels with this option. Condo rentals are often a great idea for both saving money and having more amenities such as a full kitchen.

How do you keep up your fitness routine during a long vacation?