Safari ride at Out of Africa Wildlife Park
Ostrich at Out of Africa Wildlife Park
Safari ride at Out of Africa Wildlife Park

Daily Shows

There are 4 shows daily that you do not want to miss out on, particularly the standout Tiger Splash show. Each show only runs once, so keep this in mind when deciding what time to head out to the park. Here is an overview of each one, along with the schedule.

Creature Feature

During this interactive show, you’ll get an up close look at smaller animals like the armadillo and a giant legu lizard. This show is great, although if you are limited on time and cannot get to the park really early, it is probably the one to skip.

Show runs daily at 11:30am

Tiger Splash

Tiger Splash show at Out of Africa Wildlife Park

By far the most exciting and memorable show you will experience during your visit, and the one that got Out of Africa featured on popular TV shows like Animal Planet and Good Morning America. This one-of-a-kind show features Bengal and Siberian tigers interacting with trainers in a really fun show which includes tigers diving in a pool for toys. The show varies daily as they rely on the natural instincts of these amazing cats, rather than forcing them to do tricks in a zoo like show. It is an unpredictable exciting show which always keep you on your feet guessing. You never know what the tigers may do one day as they are left to let their natural instincts take over.

Show runs daily at 1:15pm

More great pics from the show! 

Tiger at Out of Africa Wildlife Park
Tiger at Out of Africa Wildlife Park
Tiger thinking of going into the water during the Tiger Splash show at Out of Africa Wildlife park