The historic February blizzard is over and it has brought a ton of snow to the New England area. We got a lot of snow around the Boston area – almost 2 feet! When I got up in the morning I couldn’t even get out of my door because the snow was piled so high! I like snow, so I found the blizzard exciting!  Well, it is nice until you have to go somewhere and dig your car out! Did anyone lose power? We lost power from Friday night until Saturday afternoon. If anyone else has any storm stories, feel free to share them!

Check out my picture – as you can see these cars are totally buried by snow. Crazy!

Winter Storm Nemo - Massachusetts

We are supposed to get some rain on Monday; I really hope we don’t. This would be a really good time to go cross country skiing as we haven’t got much snow this season yet! I am anxious to try out the trails at Myles Standish State Forest in Carver, Massachusetts. I just bought a new sled so I am excited to go sledding for the first time in a few years.

Cross country skiing at Myles Standish State Forest in Plymouth, MA