Restaurant Reivew

Infusion Tea

1600 Edgewater Drive
Orlando, FL 32804
(407) 999-5255
Five Stars
Main Photo

Orlando's premier tea shop, Infusion Tea, is your best bet for a pot of flavorful, healthy loose leaf tea. Located in the quiet College park neighborhood, it's the perfect place to take a step back and relax with a steaming mug of fresh organic tea.

  • Infusion Tea Restaurant Preview
  • Infusion Tea Restaurant Preview
  • Infusion Tea Restaurant Preview
  • Infusion Tea Restaurant Preview


Infusion offers a full menu of all different types of tea: black, green, white, rooibos, and special herbal blends are available. Many are organic and noted as so on the menu.

You can order a single mug, a full pot, and even purchase a full bag to bring home with you. A pot is easily large enough to serve 3. Unfortunately, they were out of my favorite White Peony tea, so I opted for a pot of Shou Mei, which featured a smooth, delicious slightly sweet flavor.

The tea is served with a timer for your convenience, a great device which lets you know when to remove your tea filter based on your desired strength (mild-strong).

This is very helpful for anyone who is unfamiliar with tea brewing times. In addition to tea, a full menu of salads, sandwiches, and desserts are available. Several vegan and gluten-free options are marked as so on the menu. Gluten-free bread can be substituted for regular bread.

An afternoon tea special which includes a pot of tea and a 3 tier tray of desserts can be enjoyed on special occasions. Follow the Facebook page for upcoming events.


Service was just okay - not particularly friendly. The staff did not seem very happy to be there, nor knowledgeable about their own tea. Luckily, I am a frequent tea drinker and did not have any questions.


The setting is cozy and quiet with a quaint relaxing vibe. Absent is the hurried rushed atmosphere of a coffee/tea shop chain. Grab a mug and relax on the cozy couch or take a table seat and enjoy a pot alongside a friend.

Taking a relaxing break from technology, which is great for your health, is really easy here with the attractive design and laid-back setting.

Restaurant Photo

Final Remarks

Overall, Infusion Tea is an excellent choice for tea lovers visiting the Orlando area. While it's pretty easy to find a decent coffee shop, it is much harder to come across a quality tea shop (or simply a coffee shop that serves loose leaf tea as opposed to bagged!).

A diverse loose leaf tea menu along with a relaxing setting would definitely bring me back for another pot or 2 on my next visit to Orlando.