Restaurant Reivew


1 Robinston Plaza
Pittsburgh, PA 15205
(412) 722-1555
Five Stars
Main Photo

On an overnight trip to Pittsburgh, we decided to check out Ditka's, a unique football themed restaurant with several locations. As it was located just down the block from our hotel, we decided to give it a chance. We ended up being very pleased with the classy atmosphere, excellent food, and exceptional service.

I always thought Chicago was the only location, so I had to jump online and make sure it was the same restaurant. Sure enough, I found out that locations exist in Pennsylvania and Arizona. What a random find! Perfect - no need to search the GPS for lunch!

  • Ditka's Restaurant Preview
  • Ditka's Restaurant Preview
  • Ditka's Restaurant Preview


Ditktas serves lunch and dinner, as well as brunch on the weekends. Steaks, sandwiches, burgers, entree sized salads, and seafood are all options.

At first glance of the menu, I honestly was a bit let down. There were no visible vegetarian options! Luckily, I could order a chicken wrap (minus the chicken of course).

I decided to go with the 1/2 sandwich and Caesar salad combo. I was really impressed with my choice. Despite my hesitation, the sandwich (an avocado, lettuce, tomato, cheese, and chipolte mayo combo) was excellent.

Mike ordered a Turkey Burger, which he thoroughly enjoyed. He also appreciated the whole wheat bun, which isn't a common occurrence on most restaurant menus. He said the fries tasted homemade, a nice change, as opposed to the usual freezer fries.

I am not a fan of ordering desserts in restaurants: I feel like they are an overpriced waste of empty calories. However, I changed my mind when I saw Flourless Chocolate Cake on the the menu.

I have always wanted to try out Flourless Chocolate Cake. The serving was small, yet filling. This decadent chocolate delight was so rich we could barely finish it. I definitely had my chocolate fix for the week!

Check out the full Ditka's Menu


Service was very professional. Presentation was fantastic. I believe that service makes all the difference between high and low quality restaurants. After all, what are you paying for if not good service? I might as well cook at home myself if service is going to be poor. No worry here though - A+ service all the way at Ditka's!


I wasn't sure what to expect inside. Being located near a mall, I wasn't expecting such an elegant atmosphere. However, the restaurant was filled with business lunches and afternoon dates.

I originally assumed that Ditka's was more of a sports bar. However, after walking into a classy, refined dining room, I quickly changed my mind. The professional waitstaff, clean design, and pricey menu added to the fancy ambiance.

Restaurant Photo

Final Remarks

I would dine at Ditka's again, however, next time I will be testing out the dinner menu. The dinner menu includes more vegetarian options like pasta. I am excited for my next experience at Ditkas, whether that be in Chicago or Pittsburgh!